Inclusions have the potential to impact the appearance, durability, and brilliance of a diamond.
One common type is a twinning wisp.
We’ll explore everything you need to know about twinning wisps, including:
- An overview of the blemish
- Identifying them in grading reports
- How they impact quality
We’ll conclude with whether a diamond is worth considering if it contains a twinning wisp.
What is a Twinning Wisp Inclusion?
Twinning wisps are distortions inside a diamond formed by a series of crystals, pinpoints, or clouds that twist together to form a twinning pane. These streaks running through a diamond might appear light or dark and even mimic black or white stripes under magnification.
For example, check out this one-carat diamond that earned an SI1 clarity grade from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).
If you check out the stone on the vendor’s website, you can rotate it to learn how it appears at every angle in high resolution.
The GIA report notes five twinning wisps on its table. I’ve highlighted two instances that are apparent in the image.
If twinning wisps are found in a diamond, it’s likely this combination of imperfections have been there since its formation, along with any other inclusions.
A diamond isn’t at risk of developing new ones because they’re no longer placed under the conditions that caused them.
Twinning Wisps vs. Feathers
Twinning wisps are a combination of pinpoint and cloud inclusions, but feathers are a fracture in the diamond.
They’re often less visible than twinning wisps because of their transparent color, while twinning wisps sometimes have a dark black, brown, or yellow appearance.
Here’s a diamond that features both types of inclusions.
There are five twinning wisps and a few small feathers. If you rotate the image, you’ll find the twinning wisps are far more noticeable.
The larger twinning wisps and minor feathers don’t mean you should eliminate it from consideration. Large feathers are often a dealbreaker, but long twinning wisps that aren’t visible to the naked eye are less of an issue.
How to Identify Twinning Wisps in Grading Reports
Diamond grading reports are essential because they provide an objective view of the its qualities, which have a direct correlation with its price and performance.
While the GIA is the gold-standard for evaluating the traits of diamonds, there are other organizations that grade and certify diamonds.
The report shows any inclusions by marking it with the corresponding symbols, as seen in the image below.

The symbol for a twinning wisp is curved line with slashes through it.
We can view the twinning wisps in the AGS report for this 0.70 carat diamond from Whiteflash.

On the left diagram, the report shows six distinct twinning wisps scattered throughout the diamond. There are also other inclusions such as crystals and cavities.
It’s not surprising to see twinning wisps noted in this report because the clarity of the diamond is SI2. Those flaws could be visible when viewed in a normal setting.
Also note in the comments section of the report, it says “Additional twinning wisps and surface graining are not shown.”
This likely means the ones not shown are minimal and couldn’t be seen with the naked eye, but it’s important to know every detail.
If a diamond is graded by the GIA and weighs less than one carat, you can learn about twinning wisps in the “Additional Grading Information” section. For example, the below report is for a 0.90-carat round diamond.

I’ve highlighted the “Clarity Characteristics” section that identifies the twinning wisp.
It doesn’t show the exact location or number, so it’s worth examining the diamond in person or through a high-quality image on their website.
How Do They Impact Brilliance?
Whether twinning wisps in a diamond impact brilliance depends on the clarity grade.
For example, if you’re shopping for diamonds with clarity grades of VS1 or above, and the report shows twinning wisps, it’s unlikely they can be seen with the naked eye.
As an example, I chose a VS1 clarity diamond for my wife’s engagement ring diamond, and it appears flawless without magnification.
In most cases, if the inclusions were visible, it would earn a lower grade.
Here’s a diamond with twinning wisps that earned an SI2 clarity grade.
Its GIA report shows five occurrences of twinning wisps, and several are dark.
Another factor in how twinning wisps affect brilliance is their color.
A darker black or brown would impact its brilliance more than white.
That being said, examine each diamond on an individual basis.
Is Durability Impacted?
Twinning wisps have the potential to affect a diamond’s durability, depending on size and location.
The weakest parts are near an extremely thin girdle or on sharp corners of princess, baguette, and marquise cuts.
To illustrate how to evaluate these criteria, here’s a princess cut with twinning wisps.
Visit the vendor’s site, and find the attached GIA report.
Notice on the report it shows they’re in the middle of the table. The girdle is also slightly thick to thick.
But if there were long twinning wisps in those corners, I’d recommend choosing another diamond. If it experienced a drop or hard impact, it’s more likely to chip.
But as long as you’ve chosen a VS1 clarity grade or above, and there aren’t significant twinning wisps in vulnerable areas, durability isn’t a concern.
Should You Choose a Diamond With a Twinning Wisp?
Don’t avoid a diamond on the sole basis of a twinning wisp inclusion. Specifically, examine their size and position and how it affects the clarity grade and appearance.
The primary benefit to buying a diamond with twinning wisps is the lower cost. All else being equal, diamonds that score higher on the clarity scale are worth more than those with lower marks, and twinning wisps do count against clarity.
My recommendation is finding the sweet spot where you save money because of twinning wisps or other inclusions, but they don’t have a noticeable impact on the performance of the diamond using the naked eye.
Start your search at SI1, and work your way up the scale until you find an eye-clean diamond that fits your price range.
Put that savings toward its cut or clarity grade or setting, so you can create the perfect diamond ring for you.
Twinning Wisps in Diamonds Q&A
Q1: Do twinning wisps occur in colored diamonds as well, or are they exclusive to clear diamonds? A1: Twinning wisps can occur in both colored and clear diamonds. They are formed due to the internal characteristics and growth patterns of the diamond, irrespective of its color.
Q2: Are there any diamond cuts that may help in minimizing the appearance of twinning wisps? A2: Certain cuts like the round brilliant cut are known for their ability to hide inclusions better due to their faceting pattern. The facets can disperse light in a way that makes inclusions like twinning wisps less noticeable.
Q3: In terms of value, how significantly can twinning wisps lower the price of a diamond? A3: The presence of twinning wisps can lower the price of a diamond as they impact the clarity grade. The degree to which the price is affected depends on the visibility and extent of the twinning wisps.
Q4: Apart from the clarity grade, do twinning wisps have any bearing on the other 3Cs (Cut, Carat, and Color) of diamond grading? A4: Twinning wisps primarily affect the clarity of a diamond. They do not have a direct impact on the cut, carat weight, or color, although a severe inclusion can potentially affect how light is refracted within the diamond, which might indirectly influence its overall appearance and brilliance.
Q5: Can twinning wisps be removed or minimized through any form of treatment? A5: While certain treatments like laser drilling or fracture filling can be used to minimize the appearance of some inclusions, twinning wisps are internal and may not be as easily treatable without affecting the integrity of the diamond.
Q6: How common are twinning wisps in diamonds? Are they seen as a major flaw? A6: Twinning wisps are quite common, especially in diamonds that have formed under conditions where there’s been a change in the growth direction. While they are considered flaws, their impact on a diamond’s appearance can range from negligible to significant depending on their size, color, and location.
Q7: Is there any scenario where twinning wisps could be seen as desirable or beneficial in a diamond? A7: Some buyers might find twinning wisps desirable if they are looking for a unique or distinctive diamond, as these inclusions can tell a story about the diamond’s formation. Additionally, the presence of twinning wisps can lower the cost of a diamond, making it a more affordable option while still maintaining an acceptable level of clarity and brilliance.

Jacob Clarke
Jacob Clarke is the founder of
He earned an Applied Jewelry Professional Diploma from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and now brings you essential information about diamonds, settings, and more.
Jacob has consulted with leading jewelry brands, and his work has been cited in Clean Origin, Diamond Nexus and industry publications.
He's also a member of the International Gem Society.
He enjoys discussing jewelry with readers, so contact him with any questions at